Rupa-Rupanya Noor Nabila Isteri Sharnaaz Ahmad Bukan Calang-Calang Orang..JOm Lihat Biodata Beliau Pasti Ramai Terkejut Besar,...
Baca Juga HOW TO INVEST The Importance of Financial Investments If you're just starting out, beginning an investment program may be something that hasn't been on your radar. You may be more concerned with how to pay for items like food and gasoline. However, if you can scrape together even a small amount of money for investment purposes, you'll be on your way to creating a much rosier financial picture in the years to come. Beating InflationIn addition to making for uncomfortable sleeping, stuffing your money under a mattress does little to mitigate the impact of inflation over time. Putting your money in a regular bank savings account won't help much either because of the typically minuscule interest rates. While placing your money in investment vehicles, such as stocks and mutual funds, introduces an element of risk, you stand a much better chance of outpacing the inflation rate throughout a period of years. Saving for Retirement Depending solely on ...